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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: After all, Plato’s philosophy is taught at the university – and besides this the ‘doctores’ and ‘professores’ call themselves “academics” and in doing so refer clearly to the knowledge of Plato, which he taught in his “Academy”, a name which Plato had given at that time after “Akademos”, the donor of the ground for his academy.

That is, the universities in their lectures and teachings did not react to one of the most essential – perhaps even the most important – concerns of this academic idol of theirs: simply ignored Plato!

PETER HUEBNER: Well, but you have to consider, that in the beginnings of the university and for many centuries on it was not exactly simple, to follow this concern of Plato.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Because of the power politics of the church dictatorship – but today? Today this should be possible, after all! The historic resistances have been eliminated by objective science!

PETER HUEBNER: On principal it is easy today to teach science in such a way that it contributes aligning the soul to the higher existence, to the eternally true ideas.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: “Only if they do that, they should be taught”, demands Plato.

PETER HUEBNER: The result of disregarding this demand of Plato on science ...

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: stares at us from everywhere nowadays: in the form of the countless crises of the world generated by the scientific radiance of the universities ...

PETER HUEBNER: ... all of them incorruptible witnesses of this ethic failure, respectively failure of character and: scientific failure to stick to that basic demand of their academic idol Plato.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And with this demand Plato pointed in particular to the core demand of his great teacher Socrates:
And here we have ended up again with our theme: “self-awareness”.

But for this one needs the right know-how – here one has to have the right experts in consciousness. But they are still not there today, like at the time of the church dictatorship at the university – actually a shame, isn’t it?!
At this point it would be just the thing to read that part of the introduction to the University of the Future, where you comment in an easy to understand manner on the different main states of consciousness in regard to mathematical insights.  
“How then immediately
everything weaves itself
to one whole”
“Who is not able to explain it to a six years old child
has not understood it himself.”
Albert Einstein
The content of this interview with the striking name “The German Slave Market” in regard to the German education system requires strong nerves on the side of the education experts. But nevertheless, every academic, or teacher, struggling for honesty should not keep from reading this criticism regarding the dreadful trade of German education – the way I want to call it here following your analyses.

After reading this I would recommend your book “The Scientist – On a Visit to Cosmic Law”: not less critical but for some still a quite encouraging book: for scientists with good nerves and an honest heart “at the right place“.
“Nothing is in the mind,
which not before were in perception.”
Thomas of Aquino
As a researcher in consciousness you pay attention in this book to the mentioned problem of “self-awareness” and give totally unusual thought-provoking impulses in a very unconventional way.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Albert Einstein
This reading refreshes and, to begin with, takes the scientifically buried, striving and searching mind far into the cosmic field of all possibilities.
“If now the soul
at any time also takes reason for help,
as the true Godhead amongst the Gods,
then the soul directs everything to what is right
and fortunate;
but if it connects with unreason
it causes the opposite in everything.”
Also the viewpoint of our Germanic and/or European ancestors regarding that academic research aspect of self-awareness is highly remarkable: of those forefathers who – according to common history understanding of our “civilised world”: from that viewpoint of animals, respectively of the first three main states of consciousness – not such a long time ago are thought to have lived as “hunters and gatherers” like apes on trees, just about as the before mentioned animals.
“You come easier to someone else
than to yourself.”
Jean Paul
You presented their passed down traditions – particularly regarding the viewpoint of “self-awareness”, or maybe better: of “self-understanding” – in your new portrayal of that ancient “mythological work” of our oldest relatives: THE EDDA.
“Who wants to travel to the stars,
should not look for company.”
The same is true for those parts in your “Island of Happiness”, where you – out of inner cognition of that earthly-cosmic fact “consciousness” – brought the investigations of the Brothers Grimm into the coherent logical, understandable form – just as the Brothers Grimm had foreseen this.
“There is nothing more beautiful than the mysterious.
From it arises all true art and science.”
Albert Einstein
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Pregnancy & Birth
RRR 934 Pregnancy and Birth
RRR 931
RRR 933
RRR 940
RRR 942
RRR 951

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.